Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Victors and Vanquished (STEAM KEY)
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Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Victors and Vanquished
Embark on an exhilarating adventure with Victors and Vanquished! This expansion pack features nineteen unique single-player scenarios where your strategy shapes your destiny. Play as legendary figures like Ragnar Lothbrok, Oda Nobunaga, and Charlemagne, navigating through the intricate challenges they faced.
In Ragnar Lothbrok's scenario, unleash your Viking fury and expand your dominion across a vast map of Northern Europe. Begin your journey with raids, evolve into a powerful king, and unlock technologies that grant you new abilities to conquer and lead.
As Otto the Great, navigate the treacherous political landscape where you balance power with three vassals, each capable of friend or foe dynamics. Will you emerge as the Holy Roman Emperor or be undermined by betrayal?
Lead one of six factions as Oda Nobunaga, utilizing superior cavalry, new weaponry, or cunning deceit to achieve victory. With 14 scenarios inspired by the community and 5 new exclusive ones, Victors and Vanquished enhances your Age of Empires experience through professional voice acting, dynamic music, and balanced gameplay mechanics, allowing you to craft your own epic saga!